We understand that navigating the costs of Fertility Treatment can be overwhelming. Here are some additional details to help you navigate the costs. We are always available to offer clarity and assistance at any time during your treatment.

What are my IVF Payment options?

At Life Fertility Clinic we offer flexible payment options.

The single largest cost you have during Full Service IVF treatment is associated with the Medicare item code 13200. There are significant Medicare Rebates and Safety Net Benefits associated with this item code.

However, you can reduce your upfront fee by over $3,000 and just make an initial ‘gap’ payment.

We also give you the option of setting up a pre-payment plan prior to your procedures.
Either way your out-of-pocket costs remain the same.

Please ask our friendly and experienced administration team if you would like more information about these flexible payment options.

Will my Private Health Insurance cover IVF treatment?

If you are in a private health fund, and have the appropriate level of cover, you may be eligible to claim a rebate for the following:

  • Some medications
  • A portion of the fees for your treating doctor when treated in hospital
  • Hospital admission, anaesthetist and theatre fees.

We recommend that you contact your private health insurer to confirm the benefits that may be available to you.

IVF and Medicare

At Life Fertility Clinic we try and keep your IVF costs as affordable as possible and pride ourselves on being accessible to all patients. Many treatments and services are eligible for a significant Medicare rebate and are often not as expensive as you might expect.

You and your partner (if you have one) should register for the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) as a family so that your out-of-pocket expenses are added together by Medicare. This will mean you reach the required out-of-pocket expense thresholds sooner.

IVF and Superannuation

You may be eligible to access your Superannuation for treatment. The Australian Taxation Office provides information on this process here.
